Coastal Consumer Showcase Vendor Application

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In stock: 34 available
Product Details

The Coastal Consumer Showcase is held annually Thursday, February 13th from 4pm-7pm at the St. James Community Center, 4136 Southport-Supply Road,St. James, NC 28461. The Showcase is a public event organized by the Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce. There are many free giveaways provided by the participating businesses.

  • Free Samples
  • Free Giveaways
  • $100 Cash Drawing
  • Pick-A-Prize Auction

Admission is free. Register for the $100 Cash Drawing. Each vendor will donate prize for the Pick-A-Prize Auction. Those who register for the $100 Cash Drawing will receive one ticket for the Pick-A-Prize Auction. You may purchase as many additional auction tickets as you would like: 5 tickets for $5.00 and 20 tickets for $10.00. At 6:30pm the Chamber will draw the winners for the Pick-A-Prize Auction prizes and will notify the winners by email. Winners will pick up their prize at the business donating the item. The Chamber will notify the winner of the Cash Drawing on Friday.

What is a Pick-A-Prize Auction? There will be a “bag” in front of each prize. You determine which prize(s) you would like to a chance to win. Then you place your ticket(s) in the bag(s) of that prize(s). The winner of that prize will be selected from the corresponding “bag”.

Sponsorship Package: $1,000 - includes company logo on poster, display ads, Coastal Consumer Showcase webpage, billboard and on program. 4'x6' booth at the event.

Vendor Booth Fees: - include 4'x6' booth with 6' x 18" table with linen and one chair).
Chamber member business - $185.00 + raffle prize (Cash/check pricing).
Chamber member non-profits & restaurants, coffee, bakery, and wine shops serving free samples: $85.00 + raffle prize.(Cash/check pricing).
Non Member business - $360.00 + raffle prize.(Cash/check pricing).
Non-member non-profits & restaurant, coffee, bakery, and wine shops serving free samples - $200.00 + raffle prize.(Cash/check pricing).

For more information contact the Southport-OakIsland Area Chamber of Commerce, 4433 Long Beach Road, SE, Southport, NC

28461. Phone 910.457-6964 or e-mail us at karen @southport-oakisland.com.

Sponsored by: Dosher Memorial Hospital , The State Port Pilot , Fulford Heating & Cooling , Southport Magazine , Novant Health , SPT-OKI Magazine, & Grey Outdoors.

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Coastal Consumer Showcase Vendor Application
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